The Adelaide Footy League Rules and Regulations
1.1 “Adelaide Footy League” is the trading name of The South Australian Amateur Football League Incorporated.
1.2 “AdFL” means the Adelaide Footy League
1.3 “Adelaide Footy League Women” is the trading name of the Adelaide Footy League’s Womens competition.
1.4 “Affiliated League” means a football league which has affiliated with SACFL under rule 9.4 of the SACFL Constitution.
1.5 “AFL” means the Australian Football League.
1.6 “AFLW” means the Australian Football League’s Womens competition.
1.7 “Associated Persons” means any Official, Coach, Assistant Coach, Trainer, Runner, player, member, employee, supporter or any other person associated with a Member Club.
1.8 “CEO” means the Chief Executive Officer of The League.
1.9 “Competition Management Tool” means Sports Management System.
1.10 “Constitution” means the Constitution of The League.
1.11 “Division” means one of the groupings in which The League is divided for the purpose of competition.
1.12 “Executive Committee” means the committee appointed under Clause 13 of the SA Amateur Football League Constitution.
1.13 “Investigation Committee” means the committee appointed by The League under Clause 12 of the SAAFL Constitution.
1.14 “Junior” means players, or matches played by players, from the year in which the player turns thirteen (13) years of age.
1.15 “Lion” means SABC or Lion Nathan.
1.16 “Lion Nathan” means SABC or Lion.
1.17 “Major Round” means a series of matches played at the completion of The League’s Minor Round season to determine the premier Member Club in each Division of The League.
1.18 “Match” means the contest of Australian Football played between two teams.
1.19 “Member Club” means one that participated in a competition of The League the season prior to the season it seeks affiliation and fielded a minimum of two (2) senior men’s teams, is not considered unfinancial, expelled or suspended from The League in accordance with these Rules and Regulations.
1.20 “Minor Round” means a series of matches played prior to The League’s Major Round matches.
1.21 “MRP” means the Match Review Panel.
1.22 “MRP Chair” means the Match Review Panel Chair
1.23 “Official” includes but is not limited to an Officer, Coach, assistant Coach, Trainer, Runner, employee or any other person performing any duties (paid or unpaid) for or on behalf of a Member Club or team.
1.24 “Player” means a person who is registered to play football with a Member Club.
1.25 “Player Registration and Transfer Form” means a form to be completed by a player seeking approval to transfer as a player from one Australian football flub to another Australian football club.
1.26 “Prescribed Penalty” means a penalty offered to a player or official by the Match Review Panel without the player or official being required to attend a Tribunal hearing.
1.27 “Registration” means the act of registering a player to compete in the Adelaide Footy League. 5 | P a g e 2024 Adelaide Footy League – Rules & Regulations
1.28 “Rules and Regulations” means these Rules and Regulations.
1.29 “SAAFL” means the South Australian Amateur Football League.
1.30 “SABC” means South Australian Brewing Company, Lion Nathan or Lion.
1.31 “SACFL” means the South Australian Community Football League.
1.32 “SANFL” means the South Australian National Football League.
1.33 “SANFLW” means the South Australian National Football League’s Womens Competition.
1.34 “SANFL League Club” means a League Club as defined in the SANFL Constitution.
1.35 “Sports Management System” means Competition Management Tool.
1.36 “The League” means the South Australian Amateur Football League Incorporated and/or its trading name Adelaide Footy League.
1.37 “Transfer” means an approval to transfer a player from a Member Club or Affiliated League Club to another Member Club or Affiliated League Club.
1.38 “Tribunal” means the Tribunal appointed by The League under Clause 11 of the SAAFL Constitution.
1.39 “Umpire” means all of the Field, Boundary, Goal and Emergency Umpires officiating or at a match conducted by The League.
2.1 To the exclusion of the General Committee, The League Executive Committee may
(a) appoint a Rules and Regulations Committee.
(b) determine the remuneration of Umpires.
(c) order from time to time the method of determining which team(s) may be relegated and which team(s) may be promoted.
(d) consider allegations, complaints and protests arising from the playing of an unregistered player by a Member Club.
(e) impose penalties prescribed by The League’s Constitution, these Rules and Regulations, the MRP Chair in respect of a Member Club or a member of a Member Club who willfully or negligently misleads an Officer of The League, the General Committee, The Executive Committee, the Investigation Committee, the Tribunal, the Tribunal Appeal Board or a Sub-Committee of The League in the performance of their duties.
(f) receive, consider and implement as it sees fit, recommendations made by any of The League Officials listed as per 2.1.(e).
(g) require the attendance before it of such person as it may consider appropriate to enable it to determine any complaint, protest or dispute.
(h) appoint Sub-Committees as it deems appropriate.
(i) determine the cost to each Member Club to register the players of such Member Club for any year and the schedule for which such payments shall be made.
(j) receive, investigate and determine an appeal lodged by a player in respect of a player transfer being refused.
(k) prescribe the forms of The League to be used.
(l) determine the venue in which a match of The League is to be played as it sees fit.
(m) determine starting times for all matches of The League.
(n) consider and determine applications to replay any match of The League.
(o) determine the redaction and reallocation of the score and premiership points if applicable in a match in which a breach of these Rules and Regulations has occurred as it sees fit.
(p) appoint representative team coaches of The League upon such conditions as it see fit.
(q) appoint representative team selection committee(s) of The League as it sees fit.
(r) direct a Member Club to appoint Umpires for any match of The League as it sees fit.
(s) determine the manner for awarding trophies and Certificates of The League.
(t) fix remuneration of an employee of The League.
(u) appoint Field, Boundary and Goal Umpires for any match of The League as it sees fit.
(v) order the forfeit of a match for non-compliance with these Rules and Regulations as it sees fit.
(w) without previous charge, protest or complaint, initiate a meeting of the Investigation Committee should it consider an enquiry is justified in the interest of The League.
(x) enquire into all charges, complaints, protests and allegations concerning Umpires, Officials, Delegates, Member Clubs or players.
(y) impose penalties including Fines listed in Appendix 10 if:
(i) a person who in the opinion of The Executive Committee gives false evidence at a hearing of a Tribunal and/or the Investigation Committee and/or the Tribunal Appeal Board.
(ii) a person who insults the Executive Committee or a person giving evidence at a hearing of a Tribunal and/or the Investigation Committee and/or the Tribunal Appeal Board and/or an Investigation.
(iii) a person misbehaves at a hearing of a Tribunal, Appeal or Investigation.
(iv) a person refuses to obey the direction of the Executive Committee or Officials of The League.
(v) a person fails to comply with a request from the Executive Committee or Officials of The League.
(z) determine the playing uniform standards as it sees fit.
(aa) appoint a Chair of the Tribunal
(bb) appoint a Chair of the independent Match Review Panel.
(cc) Delegate the appointment of a Match Review Panel to the Chair of the Match Review Panel
(dd) determine the penalty guidelines in which a Tribunal, Investigation Committee or Match review chair may refer as it sees fit.
(ee) Impose such penalties as prescribed by the Behavioral Rating system
(ff) Suspend a team or club should it see fit.
(gg) delegate any football operational procedure in Clause 2 to The League’s CEO as it sees fit.
(hh) determine any matter(s) not provided for in these Rules and Regulations as it sees fit.
3.1 At a meeting of the General Committee, the General Committee may by ordinary Resolution alter or repeal any of the clauses of these Rules and Regulations or may make new Rules and Regulations to the exclusion of or in addition to any of the Rules and Regulations made herein
(a) notice in writing of such ordinary Resolution shall be lodged with The League at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting of the General Committee at which the motion is to be put.
(b) The League shall give notice of such motion to each Member Club at least seven (7) days before the meeting of the General Committee at which the motion is to be put.
(c) a simple majority of the General Committee shall pass the motion.
3.2 A prior Resolution of a meeting of the General Committee shall not be repealed or amended within twelve (12) months from the time of the prior Resolution unless a meeting of the General Committee by Special Resolution of two thirds of the Delegates present and entitled to vote, resolve to repeal or amend such prior Resolution.
(a) a prior Resolution may be repealed or amended after twelve (12) months by way of a simple majority of the General Committee.
4.1 A Member Club shall appoint a Delegate and or Alternate Delegate to attend meetings of the General Committee on the Member Club’s behalf.
4.2 Should a Delegate of a Member Club fail to attend more than two (2) consecutive meetings of the General Committee, The League may stipulate such Member Club to appoint another Delegate.
4.3 Any Delegate of the General Committee unable to attend a meeting of the General Committee may appoint a replacement for a meeting provided The League is advised prior to the commencement of the meeting at which the replacement person is to attend.